Saturday, April 21, 2012

Class Discussion: Sound

Ideas we discussed in New Media class that stood out to me:

Visuals are local. Sounds are global.

Visual Culture Vs. Sonic Culture

Sound is something that puts us in our place. It's a force. Something that we can't always choose to tune out like we turn away from visuals. 

Think about the concept of listening.
When we listen, we are simultaneously thinking about other things. Other thoughts roam through our minds and we are constantly multitasking. It's difficult to tune out the noise of our own thoughts and to just simply listen. I think it's especially difficult for us living in a city such as New York where we're juggling different things is a constant in our lives. 

Talking about types of communication, there is the visual and auditory. I don't think we think about the auditory form of communication as much as the visual. Possibly because we're here in an art education program, and in a generation where the visual culture is blowing up. 

"Sound helps us to connect better to our feelings."

What does it mean to really listen
What does it look and feel like when you tune yourself out and really listen to someone else. 


Silence can be healing. 
Richard shared with us a story of when he was living in Austria by the trains. It took some time away from it all, being immersed into silence for these sounds to be accepted into his everyday. 

The Absence of bodily noise; healing can come from the presence of sound. 
Sound can be also seen and considered as a type of pollution. 


Websites to help with sound projects:


"People who speak in their main language can get lazy.
You can only translate what you are certain of." 

- R. Jochum

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